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Tailored Headhunting and Human Resources Consulting company

Our passion for the pursuit of excellence brings us together

As a Headhunting and Human Resources Consulting company, we tangibly help companies achieve their growth objectives. We support you in making the best decisions regarding people and organization based on data and the creation of tailored solutions.

We have an entrepreneurial spirit, but also the solid foundations and speed of growth granted by the investment fund behind W Executive.

As a team, each partner brings all the traditional vertical competencies that we integrate with a data-driven method that combines tradition and innovation. Through experience and the use of our own innovative tools, we aspire to be the team with the best headhunters in Spain.

Sala de juntas

Meet our partners

Manuel Soriano

CEO & Founding Partner

Javier Falcó

Partner & Founder

Jose Antonio Ortega

Partner & Founder

Gonzalo Villarig

Partner & Founder

Javier Guajardo-Fajardo

Partner & Founder

Rafael Prieto

Partner & Founder

Jaime Delgado

Partner & Founder

Santiago Cuerpo

Partner & Founder


We understand Executive Search and high-level Human Resources consulting as the creation of a tailored suit based on non-negotiable principles.

Manuel Soriano

CEO & Partner & Founder

Tras casi 15 años en la alta dirección de Michael Page, en los que estuvo desarrollando personas y negocios en varias ciudades y países. En 2023 Manuel decide invertir junto a otros socios en la creación de W Executive España y asume la dirección general.

Sus más de 17 años de experiencia en empresas de headhunting con un enfoque multidisciplinar, empezaron en el sector bancario en Madrid, Barcelona y Andorra, seguidos con el sector de las finanzas con una visión global, adquirida sobre todo en Estambul, y finalmente profundizando en Ventas, inlcuyendo todos los productos y verticales, y Marketing Digital en Valencia y Madrid.

Además de haber ocupado varias posiciones como director general dentro del Grupo Eurofirms, empresa española puntera de servicios de RR. HH., Manuel es también consejero independiente en varias empresas.

Su pasión por los recursos humanos, los deportes y el mundo digital, le han llevado a ser profesor invitado en ISDE-DreamHack y conferencista en varias universidades.

Actualmente es consejero de una empresa de eEsports y, además, en su tiempo libre, gestiona el pódcast Digital Pals, un lugar en el que explorar el mundo digital, el emprendimiento, los RR. HH. y tantos otros temas que surgen en su día a día.

Manuel siempre está abierto a entablar conversaciones con personas que buscan la excelencia desde un enfoque amable y sincero de la vida y esta es la premisa con la que lidera la empresa de headhunting W Executive España.

Foto de Manuel Soriano

Javier Falcó

Partner & Founder

Tras 18 años de trayectoria profesional en distintas ciudades de España como Madrid, Valencia, Alicante y Murcia, y a nivel internacional en Portugal e Inglaterra, Javier cuenta con una amplia experiencia en diversos sectores. Ha ocupado puestos de dirección en el área de proyectos, de producto y desarrollo de negocio en el sector de la consultoría estratégica y de operaciones, en el promotor-inmobiliario, la consultoría de marketing y start-ups tecnológicas.

En los últimos 13 años Javier ha desarrollado su experiencia en el sector de la selección de mandos intermedios y directivos. Ha ocupado puestos como Responsable de Michael Page a nivel regional en diversos sectores, gestionando equipos especializados en la selección de perfiles de distintas disciplinas: Financiera, Recursos Humanos, Ingeniería, Comercial, Marketing y Tecnología. Durante estos años ha compaginado su actividad profesional con su actividad docente en diversas escuelas de negocio.

Javier Falcó es Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Máster Science (MSc) por la Universidad de Cranfield (UK) y cursó tanto el Programa Superior de Dirección de Ventas (PSDV) en ESIC como el Programa de Transformación Digital en RR. HH. por ICEMD, entre otros postgrados.

A Javier le apasiona ayudar a cambiar la vida de profesionales en busca de nuevos retos. Conecta talento y organizaciones cultivando relaciones basadas en la confianza y con el convencimiento de ayudar a empresas y candidatos a encontrar su camino profesional.

Foto de Javier Falcó

José Antonio Ortega

Partner & Founder

Con 20 años de trayectoria profesional en firmas de Selección de Directivos y HR Advisory como Page Group, Villarroel&Hunter o Hays Executive, creando y liderando diferentes prácticas, destacando las de FMCG, Retail y Financial & Business Services, así como en PricewaterhouseCoopers como responsable de Outplacement a nivel nacional.

Colaborador y/o Profesor Asociado de prestigiosas Escuelas de Negocio como ICEMD, IE o ESADE donde comparte su experiencia y conocimiento del mercado laboral y acompaña en la transición profesional de sus Alumnos.

Apasionado por las personas, el trabajo en equipo y la búsqueda de excelencia, basado en la confianza, con mentalidad de decisión basada en el bienestar de las partes y soluciones creativas que ayudan, tanto a los clientes en sus estrategias de crecimiento y organización a través de la detección del mejor talento, como a los candidatos en la mejor elección de los próximos pasos de su carrera profesional.

Es Licenciado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y Marketing por CESMA Business School.

Foto de Jose Antonio Ortega

Gonzalo Villarig

Partner & Founder

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Zaragoza, máster en Recursos Humanos Compensación y Beneficios por el Centro Europeo de Estudios Garrigues & Andersen, y PDD por IESE, Gonzalo cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector de RR. HH. ocupando posiciones de dirección de desarrollo de negocio y gestión de proyectos y equipos en grandes multinacionales.

Comenzó su carrera en grupo Adecco como Branch Manager, comercializando servicios de RR. HH. a empresas y gestionando equipos multidisciplinares.

Posteriormente, estuvo 13 años en Michael Page, desarrollando sectores como FMCG y Retail y gestionando equipos multisector. Dentro de Page Group asumió el reto de crear la división de Grandes Cuentas, promoviendo el cross-selling de todas las marcas en clientes clave, siendo una best practice en Europa e integrándose en el equipo global.

En 2018, ficha por Mercer para liderar el desarrollo de negocio del área de Health & Benefits donde estuvo 3 años involucrado en la gestión y desarrollo de equipos y proyectos de compensación y beneficios.

En 2021 se une a Gympass como Client Sales Director para colaborar en el desarrollo de clientes en España, ayudando a las empresas a reforzar su propuesta de bienestar integral, atracción y fidelización de talento.

Actualmente, Gonzalo, como Equity partner en W Executive, contribuye a que las compañías atraigan al mejor talento y mejoren su marca empleadora.

Foto de Gonzalo Villarig

Javier Guajardo-Fajardo

Partner & Founder

Licenciado en Business Management por la Universidad de Leeds, Javier lleva desde 2009 vinculado al sector de los RR. HH. ocupando posiciones de dirección de desarrollo de negocio y gestión de proyectos en grandes multinacionales en los últimos años. Además, cuenta con 8 años de experiencia como docente en el Instituto de Estudios Cajasol y su Máster de Recursos Humanos.

Comenzó su carrera en el mundo de la auditoria financiera para pymes y grandes corporaciones en la zona de Andalucía.

Posteriormente, estuvo 12 años en Michael Page, donde desarrolló la oficina sur de España (Andalucía, Extremadura, Ciudad Real) con base en Sevilla liderando las divisiones de finanzas, legal y RR. HH. En este período, destacó su labor en la generación de negocio para otras divisiones.

En 2021 se incorpora a Aon, líder en soluciones de captación y retención de talento, como director de Health & Benefits con la finalidad de montar y desarrollar desde cero dicha área en Andalucía.

Actualmente, Javier, como Equity partner en W Executive, contribuye con su conocimiento de mercado, tanto de empresas como de candidatos, en que las corporaciones dispongan del mayor talento directivo a nivel nacional.

Foto de Javier Guajardo-Fajardo

Rafael Prieto

Partner & Founder

Licenciado en Económicas por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Rafael está comprometido en aportar cada día más valor a las empresas y por ende a la sociedad.

En los casi 20 años de carrera profesional dedicada al executive search, la actividad internacional ha sido una constante para Rafael. Durante 15 años en IHR Consultancy, participó en el desarrollo internacional de la firma, tanto en Europa como en el Norte de África. En 2012 se trasladó a Latino América donde fue Country Manager de la filial colombiana y después Head para la región Latam.

Rafael ha acumulado una larga experiencia en entornos internacionales, siendo director internacional en Claire Joster justo antes de sumarse al equipo, lo cual le ha proporcionado una mirada clave para el presente y el futuro de W Executive.

Foto de Rafael Prieto

Jaime Delgado

Partner & Founder

Licenciado en Administración y dirección de empresas por ESADE, Jaime es un apasionado de las personas.

Durante 14 años, desarrolló funciones como consultor 360 en la selección de mandos directivos en PageGroup hasta liderar diferentes divisiones, marcas y ciudades. Acompañó en el desarrollo de negocios, colaboradores y sistemas de información y se involucró en distintas áreas de selección.

En 2021, se incorpora a Claire Joster, compañía del grupo Eurofirms especializada en la selección de directivos/as y mandos intermedios, para gestionar y desarrollar el talento de la oficina de Barcelona, además de gestionar servicios a medida como procesos de benchmarking salarial, mapping y análisis de mercados.

Santiago Cuerpo

Partner & Founder

Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Universidad de Fribourg en Suiza, además de preparación del TOEFL en Atlanta (GA), USA en escuela adscrita a la Universidad Georgia TECH.

Con 20 años de experiencia en Empresas de Búsqueda y Selección especializadas, su trayectoria profesional se inicia en el 2004 en Page Group donde tras 5 años llega a liderar la División de Finanzas.

Posteriormente se une al proyecto de relanzamiento en España de la Consultora Robert Walters, asumiendo diferentes responsabilidades en el desarrollo de Divisiones como Finanzas y IT, siendo miembro del Board.

Después de 5 años asume el reto de crear, posicionar y lanzar el proyecto de Experis Verticales, la marca de middle, middle up y Top Management de ManpowerGroup, donde es capaz de crear y liderar las Divisiones de Finanzas, Banking & Insurance, Sales & Marketing, RRHH y Healthcare.

Una vez desarrollado el proyecto, vuelve a Robert Walters para consolidar su liderazgo en la dirección de las Divisiones de Pharma, Healthcare & Biotech y Sales & Marketing.

Actualmente desde W Executive, Santiago se incorpora como Equity Partner para el desarrollo en el mercado de la estrategia de la marca, el posicionamiento de la misma y el desarrollo de equipos de alto rendimiento que crean en la excelencia y, en ese camino, conectar personas a empresas excelentes, impulsando el crecimiento de proyectos que impactan positivamente en la sociedad.

Foto de Santiago Cuerpo

Manuel Soriano

CEO & Partner & Founder

Manuel held a senior management position at Michael Page for15 years, where he was developing people and businesses in several cities and countries. In 2023, Manuel decided to invest together with other partners in the creation of W Executive Spain and took the position of Managing Director.

His over 17-year-long journey in headhunting companies with a multidisciplinary approach began in the banking industry in Madrid, Barcelona and Andorra, followed by his career in finances with a global vision, acquired above all in Istanbul, and finally delving into Sales, including all products and verticals, along with Digital Marketing in Valencia and Madrid.

In addition to having held several positions as managing director within the Eurofirms Group, a leading Spanish HR services company, Manuel is also an independent director in several companies.

His passion for human resources, sports, and the digital world has led him to be a guest professor at ISDE-DreamHack and a lecturer at several universities.

He is currently a director of an eSports company and, in his free time, he manages the Digital Pals podcast, a place to explore the digital world, entrepreneurship, HR, and many other topics related to his daily life.

Manuel is always open to starting conversations with people who seek excellence from a kind and sincere approach to life and this is the premise with which he leads the headhunting company W Executive España.

Foto de Manuel Soriano

Javier Falcó

Partner & Founder

After 18 years of professional experience in multiple cities in Spain, including Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, and Murcia, and abroad in Portugal and England, Javier has extensive experience in multiple industries. He has held management positions in the areas of projects, products, and business development in the strategic and operations consulting sector, in real estate development, marketing consulting, and technology start-ups.

Over the last 13 years, Javier has honed his experience in the field of selecting middle managers and executives. He has held positions as Regional Head of Michael Page in various industries, managing teams specialized in the selection of profiles from different fields: Finances, Human Resources, Engineering, Sales, Marketing, and Technology. During these years, he has combined his professional activity with teaching in several business schools.

Javier Falcó is an Industrial Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, a Master of Science (MSc) from Cranfield University (UK), and has completed both the Higher Sales Management Program (PSDV) at ESIC and the Digital Transformation Program in HR at ICEMD, among other postgraduate degrees.

Javier is passionate about helping change the lives of professionals looking for new challenges. He connects talent and organizations by cultivating relationships based on trust and with the aim of helping companies and candidates find their professional path.

Foto de Javier Falcó

José Antonio Ortega

Partner & Founder

With 20 years of professional experience in Executive Selection and HR Advisory firms such as Page Group, Villarroel&Hunter, and Hays Executive, creating and leading different businesses, including FMCG, Retail, and Financial and Business Services, as well as in PricewaterhouseCoopers as national head of Outplacement.

He has been a collaborator and Associate Professor at prestigious business schools such as ICEMD, IE, and ESADE, where he shares his experience and knowledge of the labor market and accompanies the professional transition of his students.

José is passionate about people, teamwork, and the search for excellence, based on trust, with a decision-making approach based on the well-being of everyone involved and on creative solutions that help clients in their growth and organization strategies by detecting the best talent, and helping candidates to decide the next steps of their professional career.

He has a degree in Business Administration and Management and Marketing from CESMA Business School.

Foto de Jose Antonio Ortega

Gonzalo Villarig

Partner & Founder

With a Degree in Law from the University of Zaragoza, a Master’s Degree in Human Resources, Compensation and Benefits from the Garrigues & Andersen European Studies Center, and a PDD degree from IESE, Gonzalo has more than 20 years of experience in the HR sector in business development management, and project and team management positions in large multinationals.

He began his career at Adecco Group as Branch Manager, marketing HR services to companies and managing multidisciplinary teams.

Subsequently, he spent 13 years at Michael Page, contributing to the growth of industries such as FMCG and Retail and managing multi-industry teams. As part of Page Group, he took on the challenge of creating the Large Accounts division, promoting cross-selling of all brands to key clients, achieving a best practice acknowledgment in Europe and integrating into the global team.

In 2018, he joined Mercer to lead the business development of the Health & Benefits area, where he spent 3 years involved in the management and development of teams and projects in the field of compensations and benefits.

In 2021, he joined Gympass as Client Sales Director to collaborate in the development of clients in Spain, helping companies to reinforce their proposal for holistic well-being, talent attraction, and talent loyalty.

Currently, as an equity partner at W Executive, Gonzalo helps companies attract the best talent and improve their employer brand.

Foto de Gonzalo Villarig

Javier Guajardo-Fajardo

Partner & Founder

With a Degree in Business Management from the University of Leeds, Javier has been involved in the HR field since 2009 in business development management and project management positions at large multinationals in recent years. In addition, he has 8 years of experience as a teacher at the Instituto de Estudios Cajasol and a Master’s Degree in Human Resources.

He began his career in the world of financial auditing for SMEs and large corporations in Andalusia.

Subsequently, he spent 12 years at Michael Page, where he worked at the southern Spain office (Andalusia, Extremadura, Ciudad Real) based in Seville, leading the finance, legal and HR divisions. During this period, his success in the generation of business for other divisions stood out.

In 2021, he joined Aon, a leader in talent acquisition and retention solutions, as director of Health & Benefits with the aim of setting up and developing this area from scratch in Andalusia.

Currently, as an equity partner at W Executive, Javier contributes with his market knowledge, both of companies and candidates, so that corporations have the greatest management talent at the national level.

Foto de Javier Guajardo-Fajardo

Rafael Prieto

Partner & Founder

Rafael has a degree in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid and is committed to providing more value every day to companies and therefore to society.

In his almost 20 years of professional career dedicated to executive search, international activity has been a main focus for Rafael. For 15 years at IHR Consultancy, he participated in the firm’s international development, both in Europe and North Africa. In 2012, he moved to Latin America where he held the position of Country Manager of the Colombian subsidiary followed by Head of the LatAm region.

Rafael has accumulated extensive experience in international settings, being international director at Claire Joster just before joining the team, which has given him key insights on the present and future of W Executive.

Foto de Rafael Prieto

Jaime Delgado

Partner & Founder

Jaime has a Degree in Business Administration and Management from ESADE and his passion is people.

For 14 years, he has worked as a 360 consultant in the selection of management positions at PageGroup and ended up managing different divisions, brands, and cities. He assisted in the development of businesses, collaborators, and information systems and was involved in different areas of the selection process.

In 2021, he joined Claire Joster, a Eurofirms Group company specialized in the selection of executives and middle managers, to manage and develop the talent of the Barcelona office, in addition to managing tailored services such as salary benchmarking processes, mapping, and market analysis.

Santiago Cuerpo

Partner & Founder

He holds a Degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, in addition to TOEFL training in Atlanta (GA), USA, at a school associated with the Georgia TECH University.

With 20 years of experience in specialized Search and Selection Companies, his professional career began in 2004 at Page Group where he ended up managing the Finance Division after 5 years.

Later he joined the relaunch project in Spain of the Robert Walters Consulting Firm, assuming different responsibilities in the development of Divisions such as Finance and IT, as a member of the Board.

After 5 years he takes on the challenge of creating, positioning, and launching the Experis Verticales project, the Middle, Middle Up and Top Management brand of ManpowerGroup, where he is able to create and lead the Finance, Banking & Insurance, Sales & Insurance, Marketing, HR, and Healthcare Divisions.

Once the project was developed, he returned to Robert Walters to consolidate his leadership in the Pharma, Healthcare & Biotech and Sales & Marketing Divisions.

Currently, at W Executive, Santiago is an Equity Partner for the development of the brand’s strategy in the market, its positioning and the development of high-performance teams that believe in excellence and, along that path, to connect excellent people to excellent companies, promoting the growth of projects that have a positive impact on society.

Foto de Santiago Cuerpo

Tomás Junquera

CEO Rate & Grade

After 6 years as a consultant at Accenture, Tomás founded Rate & Grade, a company dedicated to the implementation of advanced reporting solutions for large multinationals and SMEs with the aim of boosting sales, productivity, and efficiency.

Tomás has a Master’s Degree in International Management from IE Business School and has been tending to the needs of organizations such as Vodafone, Heineken, Repsol, DIA, Microsoft, Carrefour, and Pernod Ricard, among others, for over 7 years.

He has created and developed ecosystems of clients, partners, and hubs for more than 20 multinational clients and large SMEs and has more than 10 multi-industry partners. He is also an expert in co-creating cutting-edge solutions to improve customer experience and employee experience.

Miguel Monleón

Senior Advisor

Miguel has over 20 years of international management experience in the Packaging Industry, leading restructuring projects and strategic growth initiatives across different regions in Europe, Latin America, North America, North Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region.

A trained engineer, he is currently CEO of a national company in the industry and associate professor at the International Business School (IE).

He took on the role of Senior Advisor at W Executive in order to develop the executive search segment globally in the Packaging industry along with Javier Rojo.

Javier Rojo

Senior Advisor

After more than 30 years as a professional in the Packaging industry, holding global responsibilities as VP of Sales and Marketing, general management in different regions of the world, and other top-level positions in leading multinationals in the industry, Javier assumed the role of Senior Advisor at W Executive.

He is used to managing seven- and eight-figure income statements, addressing mergers and acquisitions, and leading global and multidisciplinary teams.

Currently, he combines his position at W Executive with his work as CEO of his own strategic consulting company. In addition, he is a member of several Boards of Directors in the sector and an entrepreneur in the wine industry.